That's right...unless at least 41 electors get some spine and decide to vote their conscience when they and the remaining 497 electors meet on 12-19-2016 (or unless the current recount effort in four states bears real fruit), the United States will official go under a fascist government as early as 1-20-2017.
Inauguration Day.
Think about it...if you haven't been doing so already.
Then think back to 12-26-1991 (if you were around back then).
That day happened to be the one in which the Soviet Union officially broke up (after all fifteen of its old socialist republics, one by one, declared their independence).
What if some regions of the United States declared their own independence?

After all, it's now estimated that on 11-8-2016, 62 million US voters- whether they thought so or not, knew it or not, liked it or not- decided they'd rather live under fascist rule.
What if they had their own country...the old Confederacy plus some states in the Northwest and Midwest?
Due to the geographical implications, the states to the west of this new Confederacy would be an entirely different nation...hopefully, one run as the republic America was supposedly set up to be.
And the same thing would go for the new country north of this revived CSA.
Oh,'s just a thought.
What do YOU think?
Is splitting these fifty states three ways the only answer to satisfy Trump supporters, Clinton fans, and everybody else?
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