Monday, September 29, 2014

Madison, I'm Glad You're In There

Earlier this month, I went looking in the site and found out about a 13-year-old North Carolinian named Madison Kimrey.

This Daily Kos article introduced her as the girl who wrote a letter to Phyllis Schlafly, the woman most responsible for preventing the Equal Rights Amendment from becoming the law of the land. 

She took the hypocritical Schlafly to school. (The St. Louis native got her law degree in 1950...only to spend the last 64-and-counting years discouraging subsequent generations of young women from going for their own dreams. In fact, the only dream Schlafly wants for any woman is to Get That Man. That's all.)

I first heard about Schlafly during the late 1970s, the time of the last big 20th-Century push to get enough states to ratify the amendment. That hatemonger (okay, conservative activist) made my skin crawl back then and made my blood boil at the time...and still does these things to me. 

Schlafly and her colleagues spent so darned much time spreading their brand of lies (such as: "If the ERA passes, we're gonna have unisex toilets from now on!") that it made many Americans' heads spin. 

To sum it all up, in her letter, Kimrey stated that the whole point of the modern feminist movement has been to empower girls and women to make their own life choices to be anything they want to be...and that Schlafly and Co. have no business shoving their right-wing agenda down any woman's (or man's, for that matter) throat.

It's all about moving the country forward together...and, as Kimrey likes to say, "Not one step backward!"

The antics of North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory and his fellow Republicans in the Tar Heel State's GOP-yoked legislature are a real collective case in point.

Efforts by McCrory and his Raleigh teammates to cripple most North Carolinians' right to vote- and to make health care much less acessible over there- are the big reasons for NC progressives to get together for Moral Mondays...and Kimrey's been one of the big cogs in those Moral Monday protests. 

She's right: "If it can happen back home (in North Carolina), it can happen anywhere."

And that's where the rest of us come in.

Madison Kimrey is urging the rest of us to pay attention to the antics of Republican lawmakers (especially at the state and national levels)...and fight those efforts of GOP figures to take America all the way back to...anywhere from the 1610s to, at best, the early 1950s.

You REALLY believe that Charles Koch, David Koch, Karl Rove, and their fellow cheerleaders on so-called talk radio as well as the hosts on Fox Gossip (oops...I mean Fox News) Channel care about America's rank-and-file citizens? You REALLY think the lawmakers they praise have our backs?

Think a darned 'gain. 

Kimrey absolutely proves that you don't have to be an adult to get concerned about (let alone involved in) United States politics, regardless of level. 

If you think this teenager should just go back to playing with her dolls and leave this work for the adults, you just don't get it.

Aren't you tired of (mainly GOP) lawmakers' efforts to take longstanding issues and continue to kick them down the road for the next generation(s) to solve? 

Aren't you aware that, at the same time, those same (especially Republican) lawmakers are teaching their trainees to avoid working on fixing these longstanding issues...and teaching them to kick these issues down the road, too?

Madison gets it.

A couple of weeks ago, I started following her blog, 

And I'm proud to be one of her followers.

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